What Attracts House Centipedes?

They’re small, mighty, extremely fast, and they love getting into houses. That’s right. We’re talking about house centipedes. If you’ve ever come into contact with one, then you know that it’s not pleasant. If you’ve seen a few scattering throughout your home recently, there’s a reason for it.

Here are a few reasons why you have centipedes:What to Do if You Have Centipedes in the Home

Your Home Has Plenty of Water/Moisture

Centipedes love to live in wet, damp, and humid areas. That’s why you’ll often find them in your basement, kitchen, and bathrooms. To avoid an infestation, make sure you are cleaning and drying out these areas around your home, and keep piles of wood and leaves far away from your home, so outside centipedes aren’t tempted to sneak in.

The Seasons are Changing

If you don’t want to be outside in the cold, what makes you think that bugs do? If your house is inviting and has cracks that aren’t sealed, these pests will find a way in.

They Are Active at Night

Most of the time, you may find a few centipedes in your room because they’re most active at night. Since they scurry, hunt, and multiply while you’re asleep, you miss your chance to remove them from your room. That’s why it’s very important to contact an exterminator if you are finding an alarming amount of centipedes in your home.

They Can Run Faster Than You

Centipedes can easily sneak away from you, making them easy to miss or hard to catch. Believe it or not, they can run up to 16 inches in a second. Maybe they’re not as fast as you, but you get what we’re trying to say, they’re fast and hard to catch!

They’re Looking for Food

Besides shelter, all centipede needs is food. Often, they come into your yard because they’re looking for food. Then, one thing leads to another, and they are somehow inside of your home. Their main food source consists of creatures like spiders, worms, ants, and flies.

You Haven’t Called a Professional to Take Care of Your Problem

If you’ve noticed quite a few centipedes in your home, there’s a chance that you might be dealing with an infestation, and you can’t handle that on your own. They’re sneaky, fast, and not a pleasant bug to have around the home.

You can rely on Amherst Exterminators to help you prevent, remove, and control centipedes in your home. Give us a call at (716) 908-2475 to start tackling your problem today!

Are Yellow Jackets Harmful?

The yellow jacket is not a bug that you should be handling on your own. These bright yellow color wasps can be aggressive and attack when they feel threatened. When it comes to bee, wasps, and yellow jacket control, you should always contact a qualified professional to ensure safety during the removal process. If you’ve noticed an infestation of yellow jackets, but you aren’t quite sure how to take care of them, learn about what makes them dangerous, and contact a professional immediately.

Why are yellow jackets dangerous?Yellow Jacket Bees

They Are Aggressive

While you’re spending time outdoors, the last thing you’ll want is a family member or pet coming into harmful contact with a yellow jacket. Usually, if you leave a bee alone, they won’t bother you, but that’s far from the case with yellow jackets. They are incredibly aggressive and can bite and sting you without warning. Unlike bees, yellow jackets won’t lose their stinger, so they can continue to sting you over and over again. They are considered even more aggressive than wasps, hornets, or bees.

Yellow Jackets Sting and Bite

Because they don’t lose their stinger, yellow jackets will continue to sting if they feel threatened. Sometimes, it can occur unprovoked too. While they sting, they will usually bite your skin so that they can get a better grip as they continue to sting, making it that much more difficult to shake them off. This could be very harmful to those who are allergic to bee stings.

Yellow Jackets will Travel Far Away from Home

If you’re having an outdoor event, keep an eye out for unwanted guests. That’s right. We’re talking about yellow jackets. Unlike other insects, these pests are not afraid to travel away from home to hunt for food. They will travel near and far to scavenge for meat and sweet liquids.

Venomous Stings

Many individuals are allergic to the venomous yellow jacket sting. Some people may experience severe swelling and irritation after a sting. In extremes cases, someone may also have difficulty breathing and can even faint. If you get stung in the mouth or throat, make sure you seek medical attention immediately because the swelling is likely to occur.

Yellow Jackets are Territorial

Accidentally knocking over a yellow jacket nest is very dangerous. Together, yellow jackets will swarm to defend their nest and fight off anyone near their nest. If you have young children who play in the yard, it’s vital to contact a professional pest control service to avoid a harmful accident.

If yellow jackets are invading your home, contact Amherst Exterminators today at 716-908-2475.

How To Get Rid of Houseflies 

Houseflies are the most common pest and usually become more prevalent during Spring and Summer. Although houseflies do not pose an immediate danger to your home, they can carry various diseases that can compromise your health. Houseflies are bred in filthy conditions and are commonly found around trash, feces, and rotting food. Once flies begin to lay eggs in your home, it can be challenging to get rid of them.

how to get rid of house flies

Here are a few DIY tips to get rid of houseflies in your home:

Clean, Clean, Clean 

Certain areas in and around your home can become a magnet for these pesky bugs. The trash can, sink, and outside garbage should be routinely cleaned. Spoiled and rotting food attracts them and helps provide a safe place for them to multiply. Clean your trash cans with a bleach solution to kill germs and disinfect these areas. Do not allow any garbage or waste to sit in or around your home. If you are composting, be sure to do it in a tight canister or compost bin with a sealed top. 

Apple Cider Vinegar Trap 

You can use household items to set a trap for houseflies. Apple cider vinegar attracts house flies and fruit flies because of its pungent sweet aroma. Set this trap by pouring apple cider vinegar into a mason jar. Next, add a drop of liquid dish detergent. The dish detergent helps cut the vinegar’s surface tension so that flies drown as soon as they touch the water. 

Contact The Professionals 

Managing pests in your home can become overwhelming, and after a while, DIY traps can be unsightly. If your house fly issue persists, try contacting professional exterminators to eliminate this problem. 

Amherst Exterminators offers weekly and monthly maintenance programs for both residential and commercial locations in greater Western New York. Contact us today for a quote or to learn more about our services!


Common Ant Species In Your Home 

Common Ant Species In Your Home

Summer is right around the corner, and as the weather heats up, you may notice an influx of pests in your home. During this time, it is common to find ants in your home; There are a variety of ant species. If you are experiencing an ant infestation, it helps to know what kind of ants you are dealing with. 

Here are the most common ant species that can enter your home:

Carpenter Ants– These ants are usually black or dark brown. They can dig tunnels through wood, which is usually where they build their nests. The nest can contain up to 50,000 ants. These ants can be extremely damaging to your home because their tunnels weaken the wood in your home. 

Odorous House Ants– This ant is brown or black in color. The unique feature of this species is that when killed, they release a pheromone, which alerts other ants in the colony. This pheromone can be quite unpleasant but helps distinguish them from other ants. These ants can nest in a variety of locations in homes like walls, insulation, and window frames. 

Pharaoh Ants– These are another very common ant species that can cause an indoor infestation. They are very small, with light yellow coloring. This is one of the most difficult species to control because of how quickly they mate. These ants create multiple colonies with different queens and can quickly get out of control. 

Although all ant species are different, one of the most common ways to eliminate them in your home is to use bait. Simply killing the ants you see does not eliminate the queen or kill the ants in the nest. Bait can be brought back to the colony by a worker ant, which can help kill off the colony. 

Trying to manage an ant infestation can become overwhelming. If you notice the issue has become too difficult to control, it is best to consult a professional. 

Amherst Exterminators in Western New York can help with a variety of pest control issues. Visit our pest services page for more information on our services. Contact us today for a free quote! 

Why You Should Hire a Professional Exterminator

As the weather gets warmer outside, you may notice an influx of pests entering your home. Spiders, ants, and cockroaches are among the top few pests that become more prevalent during spring. While many pest issues seem minor, they can lead to other problems that could negatively impact your home.

It can be challenging to know when it is time to seek professional help instead of trying to tackle the issue alone. 

Why You Should Hire a Professional Exterminator

Here are some tips to know when it is time to call an exterminator and why: 

You’ve Tried Doing it Yourself 

Managing a pest issue may be as simple as spraying insecticide around the perimeter of your home, but it can become a much larger job. If you notice there are too many bugs to handle or the number of pests increasing, it may be time to contact a professional. 

Hiring a professional exterminator for your pest or rodent issue is safer and more efficient.

Professional Application Technique 

Many store-bought insecticides and pesticides contain dangerous chemicals that can be harmful when misused. By hiring a professional exterminator, you can trust that your home and family will be safe with a trained technician. 

Finds The Root of The Problem 

To completely remove a pest issue in a home, you have to find the source to see where the pests are originating from. The reason why many homes have recurring pest control issues is that the source has not been identified, which allows them to come back over time. 

Seals Access Points 

Once pests are removed from the home, it is crucial to take the proper steps to ensure they do not return. Access points like doors and windows have to be checked for the potential of re-entry. It is also important to do routine follow-ups to ensure your home remains insect and rodent-free.

Amherst Exterminators offers weekly and monthly maintenance programs for both residential and commercial locations in greater Western New York. Contact us today for a quote or to learn more about our services!

Keeping Your Home Clean & Disinfected

During these times it is important to be mindful of the cleanliness of our homes.

Keeping Your Home Clean & Disinfected

 There are many surfaces and areas that need to be routinely cleaned. If you are wondering how you can keep your home and family safe, there are a few steps everyone can take to create a clean and safe environment.


Here are a few tips for cleaning and disinfecting your home’s surfaces:

High Traffic Areas

Although it is important to clean your whole home, it is especially important to pay attention to the high-traffic areas. Places like your doorway, kitchen, bathroom and living room are areas where people spend the most time. It is best to clean these spaces daily. The kitchen and bathroom are two of the most used rooms in most homes. Be sure to thoroughly disinfect countertops, and other surfaces to ensure they are clean. 

Frequently Used Items

There are a few items that are used constantly or very often throughout the day. It is important to routinely clean and disinfect these items. 

Here are some items that should be disinfected: 

  • Keyboards
  • Cellphones
  • Doorknobs
  • Remote Controls
  • Game Controllers
  • Railings 

Disposal of Trash 

Decluttering your home is a great way to remove unneeded items and reduce the amount of surfaces for dirt and germs. Remove trash like food and containers and other waste frequently. This will also reduce the chances of critters  in your home like ants, cockroaches, and rodents. 

With these tips we hope you can keep your home clean and disinfected. 

If you have bugs or rodents in your home, Amherst Exterminators is here to help. 

 Amherst Exterminators can help eliminate your pest control issues. We will thoroughly inspect your home and then establish a plan specific to your issues. Call us at 716-908-2475 today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced exterminators.


Pest Prevention Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is approaching and with spring comes insects. As temperatures warm up, insects venture back outside, and often times, into our home.

It is important to keep insects out of your home this spring to avoid unwanted infestations, consider using these methods:

Keep Gardens DistantSpring Cleaning Tips

We all start working hard on our gardens during the spring months, but gardens can be a big contributor to insect infestations. When planting or mulching, make sure to keep gardens about three feet from your house. Many small insects and rodents are attracted to plants, flowers, and mulch. Keep gardens a short distance away from your foundation prevent lingering insects from getting inside.

Get Rid of Standing Water

Winter months leave behind a lot of standing water. Many insects, such as flies and mosquitoes, linger around standing water. If you have an in-ground pool that is covered with water in the cover, drain it as soon as possible. Make sure you clear your gutters of any debris that might result in standing water within your gutters as well.

Keep Food Sealed Up

In winter, we are often able to be a bit more relaxed when it comes to storing our food. We don’t have to be sure that we shut the cereal box, but in warmer months, all food needs to be sealed away. Dry food should be in an airtight container, from pet food to rice and otherwise. Be sure to clean counters often and make sure that nothing sticky is left behind that pests might feast on.

Deep Clean Rugs

Cleaning your rugs is a great way to keep your home clean and prevent unwanted bugs.

Clean Your Closet

To avoid unnecessary clutter where critters can hide, clean your closet. Donate old, unused clothes or give them away to friends and family.

Amherst Exterminators can help eliminate your pest control issues.  Call us at 716-908-2475 today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced exterminators.


What Are Moth Balls + How To Get Rid Of Moths

Almost everyone is familiar with the distinct smell of mothballs. The pungent chemical odor is a staple in

What Are Moth Balls?

many people’s closets, but why are these small white crystals useful?

Mothballs are small pellets that are used to combat the presence of moths and other bugs in clothing. The main ingredient in mothballs is naphthalene, which helps kill insects.

The chemical releases a gas that is toxic to moths and helps to kill them and stop them from potentially laying eggs in your clothing.


Moths living indoors feed off of natural fibers which can include hair, pet fur, silk, feathers, and other materials used in most clothing. Moths can literally eat through your clothing, creating holes in some of your favorite garments.

Are Moth Balls Safe?

While mothballs do not pose an immediate danger to its users, there are chemicals in the pellets which can become harmful if ingested. Many people have stopped using mothballs because of the appeal to small children and animals. It is easy for them to mistake them for a snack or candy. Mothballs are dangerous to humans and pets, and one mothball can be extremely toxic if eaten. There are a few different symptoms that may arise after ingesting a mothball, but they may not become noticeable for up to five days.

The symptoms of mothball poisoning include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Restlessness
  • Fever
  • Headache

If you suspect someone in your household, or pet has ingested a mothball it is important to get help right away. You can call the American Association of Poison Control Center at (800) 222-1222.

How to Clean-Up After Moth Infestation

After you have confirmed that you have a moth infestation the nest step is to clean up to help reduce the impact of the moths in your home.

Start by tossing any clothes that have been eaten by moths. These clothes have been compromised and can possibly have eggs waiting to hatch in them.

Next, you will need to wash all of your other clothing. You can dry-clean them, or machine wash them but make sure to use hot water at least over 120 degrees F . This will help kill any remaining moth larvae.

Clean Your Closet

After cleaning your clothes, you will need to thoroughly clean your closet. Pay attention to any small cracks, crevices, and corners. Use a vacuum in hard to reach places. Once your closet is thoroughly clean you can return your clothes to your closet. A great way to protect your clothing is to vacuum seal items that are not currently being used. Items that are out of season can be neatly stowed away in sealed bags. You can also place suits and other natural fiber clothing in garment bags. Moths are highly attracted to natural fibers so you will want to protect them thoroughly.

Be sure to clean your closet regularly, allowing fresh air inside and rotating your clothes. Moths like warm dark environments so installing a few lights on the wall can also help reduce the chances of moths taking over your closet.

Contact the Professionals

What Are Moth Balls?

While you may be able to tackle your moth issue, it can sometimes become too much to handle and after dealing with the frustration of having your clothes eaten, the last thing you want to do is attempt to fumigate your closet.

Amherst Exterminators can help eliminate your pest control issues. We will thoroughly inspect your home and then establish a plan specific to your issues. Call us at 716-908-2475 today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced exterminators.

Christmas Tree Safety

Christmas Tree SafetyThe holiday season is quickly approaching, which means it will soon be time to buy a Christmas tree, hang stockings, and prepare for the upcoming festivities.

While the Christmas tree is a landmark tradition, it is important to practice proper safety measures when bringing one into your home.

For many people, the smell of fresh pine is a must and they purchase a real tree from a Christmas tree farm outdoors.

Real Christmas trees often contain insects, mites, and spiders.

The warm temperatures of your home might cause these insects to become active.

However, the large majority of pests that are hanging onto your Christmas tree are not a threat to your home or your family.

For the most part, it is just bothersome to know that they are there.

Some Christmas tree farms have mechanical tree shakers available which will shake the tree and remove loose needles along with any pests. If you have the option to take advantage of a mechanical tree shaker, we suggest doing so.

Scan your Christmas tree before purchasing for any indication of insect eggs or insects.

For the most part, they aren’t really visible but it’s worth sifting through it. Be sure to check your Christmas tree for birds’ nests. Although some people want to leave them inside as a decoration, they likely contain mites or lice.

Spiders are also a very common Christmas tree pest.

Although you don’t want a room full of spiders, spiders do eat other insects and they will not harm you or your home. Most spiders will remain on the tree and you may never even see them. If you do notice your Christmas tree has a trace of insects or insect eggs, make sure you remove them with non-chemical substances.

Most chemical insect spray is flammable, and it should not be sprayed on a Christmas tree because you are likely going to be placing lights onto the branches.

Most insects are attracted to light. If any insects venture off of the tree and into your home, they will likely go towards windows, doors, or lamps.

If you do face issues with pests this winter, contact Amherst Exterminators! W e are proud to serve customers of Western New York with any pest control issues you may face this holiday season.


Keeping Pests Out of Your Home This Winter

Fall has begun in Western New York, which means winter is just a few short weeks away! As the weather gets colder, rodents and pests will be looking for shelter. Unlike many species of birds, pests like mice and raccoons don’t travel south for warmth; they head indoors instead!

With the holiday season quickly approaching, your family has plenty to do. As you are decorating the outside of your home with lights, take some time to check for signs pests to keep them from disrupting your holiday get-togethers.

Here are a few ways to prep your home for shelter-seeking critters:

 Bugs and SpidersKeeping Pests Out of Your Home This Winter

While a warm, crackling fire is one of the most enjoyable parts of the winter months, the wood you bring into your home may be the residence of a variety of creepy-crawly critters. To keep bugs at bay this season, we recommend keeping your woodpile a ways away from the walls of your home. Also remember to add weather stripping to doors and windows to keep the smallest of critters from making their way indoors.

Winter Rodents

Although these critters cause problems year-round, they are especially active during the snowy winter months as they search for a cozy escape from the freezing outdoors. Mice and rats are among the most common winter pests since their small size makes it so easy for them to make their way indoors. Carriers of a variety of germs and diseases, these pests also have a habit of chewing through electrical wires. Most often found in basements and attics, we recommend sealing up all the cracks and crevices outside your home and checking for droppings regularly.

Keeping Pests Out of Your Home This Winter

Another animal that loves to make its den in the comforts of a human home is the raccoon. This critter can not only cause a lot of damage but can be extremely dangerous. If you think there is a raccoon in your home, contact a professional exterminator immediately.

No matter what pests you are facing this winter, Amherst Exterminators can help!.  Contact us online or by calling 716-908-247 today!