Keeping Your Home Clean & Disinfected

During these times it is important to be mindful of the cleanliness of our homes.

Keeping Your Home Clean & Disinfected

 There are many surfaces and areas that need to be routinely cleaned. If you are wondering how you can keep your home and family safe, there are a few steps everyone can take to create a clean and safe environment.


Here are a few tips for cleaning and disinfecting your home’s surfaces:

High Traffic Areas

Although it is important to clean your whole home, it is especially important to pay attention to the high-traffic areas. Places like your doorway, kitchen, bathroom and living room are areas where people spend the most time. It is best to clean these spaces daily. The kitchen and bathroom are two of the most used rooms in most homes. Be sure to thoroughly disinfect countertops, and other surfaces to ensure they are clean. 

Frequently Used Items

There are a few items that are used constantly or very often throughout the day. It is important to routinely clean and disinfect these items. 

Here are some items that should be disinfected: 

  • Keyboards
  • Cellphones
  • Doorknobs
  • Remote Controls
  • Game Controllers
  • Railings 

Disposal of Trash 

Decluttering your home is a great way to remove unneeded items and reduce the amount of surfaces for dirt and germs. Remove trash like food and containers and other waste frequently. This will also reduce the chances of critters  in your home like ants, cockroaches, and rodents. 

With these tips we hope you can keep your home clean and disinfected. 

If you have bugs or rodents in your home, Amherst Exterminators is here to help. 

 Amherst Exterminators can help eliminate your pest control issues. We will thoroughly inspect your home and then establish a plan specific to your issues. Call us at 716-908-2475 today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced exterminators.