Category: Yellow Jackets

Reasons You Should have Yellow Jackets Professionally Exterminated

A Yellow Jacket Sits on a Piece of Wood

When you think of flying, stinging summer pests, yellow jackets may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But they can be as aggressive, annoying and destructive as just about any type of insect. If you’ve noticed any yellow jackets buzzing around your home or yard, looking to build a nest, it’s wise… Read more »

How to Identify Wasps from Yellow Jackets

Due to their similarities in appearance, most people have a tough time distinguishing wasps from yellow jackets. Although they look nearly the same, that is pretty much where the similarities end. Whether it be the type of nests they create, their feeding behavior, temperament and more, wasps and yellow jackets differ in several ways. To… Read more »