Avoiding Bugs Outdoors

The weather is warming up, and so is most people’s desire to head outdoors. Whether you’re attending an outdoor festival, going for a walk, or just simply enjoying some fresh air, there’s one thing you shouldn’t let get in your way: bugs.

Sure, mosquitoes, flies and other pests may at times seem like a nuisance but don’t let it affect your ability to enjoy your time outdoors. There are certain steps you can take to avoid contact with bugs as much as possible.

Here are some easy and simple tips you can adopt to make sure no insects crash your party while having some fun in the sun:

  • Mosquito Repellant is Your Friend: Spray yourself with mosquito repellant or wear a mosquito-repellant wristband to keep pesky pests away from you and decrease the likelihood of getting bit.
  • Standing Water Must Go: Keep an eye out for standing water and be vigilant in getting rid of any that may pop up. Since mosquitoes breed in standing water, it’s important to stay on top of all potential sources to avoid the population from multiplying.
  • Cover Up if Possible: Wear clothing that covers up as much skin as possible, weather permitting. This will help give you extra protection without the need of repellants. Opt for lighter colored clothes to deter mosquitoes which are drawn to dark colors.
  • Tap Natural Resources: Whether you are incorporating a naturally bug-repelling plant or encouraging natural mosquito predators, there are several routes you can take. Some recommended plants include scented geraniums, marigold and tansy.
  • Scented Products Are a No-No: Your favorite cologne or floral perfume might make you feel good, but it is likely attracting unwanted bugs. Do your best to avoid wearing scented products when outdoors.
  • Opt for Yellow Bulbs: Bug lights are another great way to keep bugs away during warmer months. Swap out your white outdoor lights for yellow bulbs to help keep the creepy crawlers out of sight and out of mind.

For more information about getting rid of bugs and insects, visit Amherst Exterminators.